
  • Loyalty

    Each time you make a purchase at TFD, earn points toward money off your next purchase.

  • Bundle of Joy Discount

    New and expecting parents can take advantage of this discount for preorder - pickup orders. For three consecutive orders (one order per month), receive a 15% discount off the total cost.

  • Bring a Friend Promotion

    Bring a new customer to Time for Dinner, and you will receive a free dish from our freezer. Feel free to share with your friend!

  • First Responders/Military Discount

    Receive a 10% discount when you present your military/fire/police badge.

  • Group Incentives

    Schedule a group session and purchase 60+ dishes to receive a gift card for the value of a session (to be used at a later date) or a $100 check to the organization of your choice.

  • Protein Substition Discount

    Bring your own protein substitution to use during your in-store session and receive a $5 discount per dish.